軟體下載 Avira Scout Browser 17.5

檔案名稱 Avira-Scout.exe

Avira Scout Browser 17.5 軟體下載

檔案版本 Avira Scout Browser 17.5

檔案名稱 Avira-Scout.exe
更新日期 2017-05-18
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Avira Scout Browser 17.5
Avira Scout 是一個網頁瀏覽器,為您選擇最好的工具; 結合起來,維護和優化它們。最終結果?完全的互聯網安全性,完全免費的端到端加密和實時雲掃描。是什麼讓 Avira Scout 與眾不同?雖然其他網絡瀏覽器傾向於採用“一刀切”的方式,但 Avira 的安全性至關重要,Avira 以您的安全和隱私為中心,接近我們的瀏覽器。這種屢獲殊榮的技術直接集成到瀏覽器中,可以自動阻止感染和釣魚網站。機... Avira Scout Browser 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Avira Scout Browser 17.5
- We fixed several bugs
- Scout now uses the latest version of Chromium (version 58)

Avira Scout Browser 17.3
- Further improvement of the import functionality; support for Firefox cookies added
- a new version of the Avira Autopilot
- several fixed bugs
- updated Scout base to latest Chromium version

Avira Scout Browser 17.1
- Scout can now be set as default browser during installation to make things easier for you
- Google online spellchecking and sending download URLs to Google can now be suppressed to give you even more privacy
- CLIQZ private search has several new features
- We fixed several bugs
- Scout base was updated to latest Chromium version

Avira Scout 16.11
- We fixed a problem which caused some Flash content to not display properly. This makes sure you can enjoy Flash content hassle-free.
- The update to the latest Chromium version 55 enhances the performance, improves the security and gives you an even better privacy protection.
- The updated Autopilot extension is implemented. Explore the Modes tab to easily customize your privacy settings.
- Enjoy a better look and feel with our updated fresh icons.
- Now, Scout imports your sessions from other default browsers like Chrome and Firefox. Previously opened tabs will be imported and opened automatically after the installation of Scout.
- The protection for built-in extensions was enhanced to improve your security experiences.
- The option to switch off or on the private search with CLIQZ was added to the settings page.
- The Chromium default behavior to send calls to Google servers is blocked to ensure even more private browsing experiences.

Avira Scout Browser 16.9
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Scout Browser 16.6
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Scout Browser 16.3
- Change log not available for this version

Avira Scout Browser 17.5 相關參考資料
Avira Browser Safety - 含有反追蹤功能的免費安全附加元件

Avira Browser Safety 是用於Firefox 和Chrome 的安全外掛程式,保障安全瀏覽並提供反追蹤技術。


Avira Scout 17.5.3029.2702 - Windows - download

2017年5月18日 — Avira Browser do złudzenia przypomina Google Chrome. Podczas przeglądania sieci przeglądarka łączy się z serwerami Avira, na których zgromadzone ...


Avira Scout 17.5.3029.2702 скачать бесплатно

Основываясь на исходном коде Chromium, Avira Scout предлагает все преимущества в использовании, которые вы ожидаете, это: удобный интерфейс, с быстрой и ...


Avira Scout Browser 17.5 軟體資訊交流Windows

Avira Scout Browser 17.5 for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,Avira Scout 是一個網頁瀏覽器,為您選擇最好的工具; 結合起來,維護和優化它們。最終結果?


Avira Scout Browser 17.5 軟體資訊介紹 - 電腦資訊007情報站

2017年5月18日 — Avira Scout 是一個網頁瀏覽器,為您選擇最好的工具; 結合起來,維護和優化它們。最終結果?完全的互聯網安全性,完全免費的端到端加密和實時雲掃描。


Avira Scout download on Windows for free

2018年10月27日 — Download the latest version of the Avira Scout 17.5.3029.2702 32 / 64 bit program on Windows ... Surf all websites safely with the new web browser


Avira Scout Free Download

We built Avira Scout on the Chromium browser platform, integrated our Avira Browser ... Avira ScoutInformation. Version. 17.5. Date. 05.18.17. License. Free.


Download Avira Scout 17.5.3029.2702 for Windows ...

2017年5月19日 — Download the latest version of Avira Scout 17.5.3029.2702 free Windows App. Full new and old versions of Avira Scout for Windows by AVIRA.


Mozilla5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit ...

This user agent belongs to Avira Scout. Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. developed this Browser. This Browser run on Win10 and it renders web contents with ...


免費下載Avira Scout 為Windows - 殺毒軟件

Avira Scout是一種網絡瀏覽器,為您選擇最佳工具;我們結合起來,維護並優化它們。最終結果?完整的互聯網安全性完成端到端加密和實時雲掃描- 免費。
