軟體下載 Plex Media Player

檔案名稱 PlexMediaPlayer-

Plex Media Player 軟體下載

檔案版本 Plex Media Player

檔案名稱 PlexMediaPlayer-
檔案大小 98.6 MB
更新日期 2018-04-18
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Plex Media Player
擺脫不必要的附加組件或工具欄,並使用這個易於使用的“中央命令”界面來完全控制所有的瀏覽器。 Auslogics Browser Care 是一個很好的工具,可以改善您的在線體驗,但是如果您的電腦有更多的問題,而不僅僅是使用網絡瀏覽器,則需要一個更強大的工具來使您的整體計算機體驗達到標準。現在下載 Auslogics Browser Care,來自 Auslogics 的專家推薦 PC 解決方案。 ... Auslogics Browser Care 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.47.1
- Added automatic fallback to transcode if direct playing music fails
- Updated translations

Items fixed:
- Fixed an issue that prevented toggling between timed and untimed lyrics
- Fixed library lists sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Fixed the dashboard type list sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Don't show the library list if there are no libraries available
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause pointer-only UI elements to appear while not controlling the app with a pointer
- Fixed an issue with news tags sometimes appearing offscreen
- Fixed an issue where going to an empty recording schedule page would make the application unresponsive to input
- Fixed UI sounds

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Added scrolling to dashboard header type buttons when more than 5 buttons are visible
- Swapped the Record and Play buttons on Live TV item screens
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.41.2
- Fixed possible endless buffering at start of playback
- Fixed short movie/episode summary alignment
- Fixed version count not showing up on poster lists
- Fixed the recording schedule not displaying an empty message when no events are displayed
- Fixed the next airing wrapping to two lines on the recording priority page
- Selecting "Sign Out" after selecting "Switch User" from the app's home screen no longer shows homescreen content below the confirmation modal

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.37.2
- Added subtitle support for videos in the photo player
- Remember last active library when switching between dashboard types"
- Fixed the type dropdown showing collections for Live TV
- Fixed missing separator line for Online Content in libraries
- Fixed an issue with the player controls sometimes unexpectedly disappearing after changing playing item
- Fixed video restarting from offset when changing the audio or subtitle streams
- Fixed movie filters dropdown getting cut off on certain screen sizes
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to close the player until the content finished loading
- Fixed the player remaining paused after changing an item in the play queue
- Fixed title getting cut off on Live TV preplay pages
- Fixed the player controls briefly appearing when closing the player
- Fixed seeking in Live TV playback in desktop mode
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause the app to become unresponsive to key input after signing in
- Fixed some issues with item actions for some older servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented using keyboard shortcuts to mark an item as unwatched

Plex Media Player
- Updated translations
- Fixed the titles for recently added TV shows
- Fixed the player sometimes not being able to play watch later/recommended videos
- Fixed bug that could cause app to fail to load
- Fixed cases where playback would error or fallback to a transcode near the end of a video
- Fixed issues with Apple IR remotes on High Sierra

Plex Media Player 相關參考資料
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Plex Media Player Crack is the go-to app for Home Theater PCs (HTPCs) connected to big screen TVs. Your collection of videos, ...
