Auslogics BoostSpeed

最新版本 VNC Server 6.3.2

VNC Server 6.3.2

VNC Server 6.3.2
屢獲殊榮的優化程序,將通過幾個簡單的點擊來清理,修復和加速您的電腦。專家建議 Auslogics BoostSpeed 有效,快速和程序全家人 use.

Computers 更快現在比十年前的 1000 倍。但是你有沒有感覺到你的電腦速度會變慢?一個更快的處理器很容易受到新功能,更昂貴的圖形和操作系統中的許多小故障的影響。更糟的是,任何一台新電腦在幾個月後都會變得非常慢。垃圾文件,註冊表錯誤和碎片會導致緩慢以及偶爾崩潰。澳大利亞軟件公司 Auslogics 已經開發出一種有效的補救措施,以加速緩慢的 Windows 系統 - 其獲獎 Auslogics BoostSpeed.

Auslogics BoostSpeed 功能:

Pinpoints 問題背後的惡化性能.


Maximum 磁盤空間 gain
Removes 文件副本,並幫助您移動或組織其他 data.

Ultimate 個人電腦和互聯網 speedup
Optimizes 上網設置,縮短了啟動時間和 more.

Full 隱私 cleanup
Removes 所有隱私痕跡,以幫助保護您的個人 data.

Note:如果你喜歡你所看到的,你就可以升級到完整版本(專業版),以修復所有檢測到的性能問題,並激活 15+ 工具 $ 49.95 或只是繼續使用免費版本(基本),只要你 like.


檔案版本 VNC Server 6.3.2

檔案名稱 VNC-Server-6.3.2-Windows.exe
檔案大小 18.74 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Auslogics Software
更新日期 2018-10-23

What's new in this version:

- This is a release of VNC Server and supporting programs for installation on remote computers you want to control
- Remove a computer from your team (that is, prevent discovery by RealVNC’s cloud service) at the command line using -leavecloud
- Specify a friendly name for a computer whilst adding it to your team at the command line using -joinname

- Provide a comprehensive multi-factor authentication scheme for Mac and Linux computers using interactive system authentication to integrate with your choice of PAM authentication modules
- Blank the screens of Windows 8 and 10 computers in addition to Windows 7 and earlier computers. Note screen blanking is only likely to be effective for monitors attached to desktop computers, and not laptop displays. Test your system in advance using the tool provided on VNC Server’s Options > Privacy page. More information

- Connecting users supplying Active Directory credentials should find authenticating to VNC Server on Windows is quicker
- VNC Server is now more integrated with LDAP when the smartcard/certificate store authentication scheme is selected
- Users should experience fewer blank screens when connected to Windows computers with the screen saver enabled, or Intel Ready Mode Technology installed
- Connected users with a left-hand mouse or with mouse buttons switched can now interact remotely in the expected way

VNC Server 6.3.2 相關參考資料
Docs | Release notes | VNC® Connect - RealVNC

VNC Connect 6.3.2 released¶. This is a release of VNC Server and supporting programs for installation on remote computers you want to control. Download.

Download VNC Server for Linux | VNC® Connect - RealVNC

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Download VNC Server for Windows | VNC® Connect - RealVNC

Windows; VNC Server for macOS macOS; VNC Server for Linux Linux; VNC Server for Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi; VNC Server for Solaris Solaris; VNC Server ...

Download VNC Server | VNC® Connect - RealVNC

It consists of a VNC® Server app for the computer you want to control, which must be licensed, and a VNC® Viewer app that you are free to download to all the ...

Latest release | VNC® Connect - RealVNC

VNC Connect latest release. ... VNC Connect 6.3.2 ... If you have update notifications turned on in VNC Server, you'll be automatically informed when a release ...

RealVNC 6破解版-RealVNC Server Windows下载6.3.2-第七下载

RealVNC Server Windows可以使用远程监控来查看其它电脑的电脑屏幕,是一款专业的远程控制软件,VNC软件(RealVNC 绿色版)主要由两个 ...

RealVNC Enterprise 6.3.2 注册版附注册码-VNC远程控制软件-联合优网

RealVNC Enterprise 6.3.2 注册版附注册码-远程控制软件. VNC server 与VNC viewer 支持多种操作系统,如windows,Linux,MacOS 及Unix ...

RealVNC Enterprise 6.3.2註冊版附註冊碼– 遠程控制軟件| WONGCW ...

VNC Connect 6.3.2 released. This is a release of VNC Server and supporting programs for installation on remote computers you want to control ...

Silent Installation of VNC Server (6.3.2) : ManageEngine Desktop ...

Architecture, 32-bit. Download Path, VNC-Server-6.3.2-Windows.exe. Silent Installation Switch, $sharedPath}VNC-Server-6.3.2-Windows.exe /qn /norestart.

VNC Server 6.3.2 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download VNC Server 6.3.2 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.