
最新版本 Select Version

Select Version

Select Version
Audacity 是一個開源的,跨平台的音頻編輯和錄音機。 Audacity 可以錄製和播放聲音並導入和導出 WAV,AIFF,MP3 和 OGG 文件。使用剪切,複製和粘貼功能(無限制的撤消功能)編輯您的聲音,混合曲目,或將效果應用到您的錄音。下載 Audacity 用於 Windows 的脫機安裝程序安裝程序。 Audacity 還具有內建的振幅包絡編輯器,可自定義的頻譜圖模式和音頻分析應用程序的頻率分析窗口。它具有許多有用的功能,其中一些是:記錄和播放音頻文件支持各種文件格式如 WAV,AIFF,AU 和 Ogg Vorbis 導入 MPEG 音頻(包括 MP2 和 MP3 文件)通過剪切,複製,粘貼和混合來編輯音頻文件大文件可以很快編輯添加不同的效果,如迴聲,相位器,wahwah,reverse,and more 更改音高而不改變速度,反之亦然。記錄和編輯 16 位,24 位和 32 位(浮點)採樣。各種插件支持可用於將舊磁帶轉換成數字媒體等等還提供:下載 Audacity 為 Mac


檔案版本 Select Version

檔案名稱 audacity-win-3.4.0-x32.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Audacity Development Team
更新日期 2023-11-03

What's new in this version:

Major changes:
- Music workflows
- Audacity now features several music related features, such as switching between hh:mm:ss time and Beats & Measures, and time-stretching clips to align them to a song's tempo
- Time stretching
- Hold Alt (macOS: Option) while hovering over the top third of a clip edge to stretch it.
- New exporter
- Audacity now features a new export window with easier access to options such as sample rate and custom mapping (for 5.1 or 7.1 audio). Additionally, the "Browse" button uses the native file browser now!

Other changes:
- For MP3, Audacity now always uses Joint Stereo mode, which always delivers the best possible quality
- Simplified pasting logic
- Simplified stereo tracks. Left and right channels now always have synchronized clip starts and ends, and the same sample rate in both channels
- Added cursors trimming and stretching left and right, and changed the I-beam cursor to be less similar to either
- When importing audio, the project sample rate no longer changes
- The spectrogram colors are now perceptually uniform, and the colormap has gotten a name: Roseus. It also can be used for dataviz outside of Audacity
- New defaults: The Time Signature toolbar now gets shown, the solo button is set to multi-track mode, time tracks have a wider starting range
- Unsquished the Audacity logo found in some places of the app
- Clicking on the border of two clips no longer merges them
- Overdubbing on Windows fails with WASAPI with default Recording device
- Built-in Opus support

- lib-time-and-pitch implements a time stretching algorithm originating in Staffpad
- Audacity now uses Conan 2
- Continued extracting code into libraries and modules, especially in the context of importing and exporting

- --nogap metadata no longer is ignored
- fixed a crash with LV2 plugins
- fixed some crashes related to macros
- fixed a crash when pasting in certain configurations
- Accessibility: GUI can be disabled again for VST2 plugins
- Accessibility: Restored window control IDs, improving NVDA compatibility
- fixed a crash on launch on OSX 10.9

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