Ashampoo Snap

最新版本 GameMaker Studio 2023.1.1.62

GameMaker Studio 2023.1.1.62

GameMaker Studio 2023.1.1.62
Ashampoo Snap 是截圖和視頻捕捉的高端軟件解決方案!圖像和視頻比單純的文本更快速,更親切和更簡潔地傳達信息。使用 Ashampoo Snap 創建圖像和視頻,精確地展示你的意思告訴! Ashampoo Snap 使用戶能夠捕捉像素的完美準確性,編輯和共享屏幕內容作為單個圖像或視頻。該應用程序具有強大的圖像編輯功能。下載 Ashampoo Snap 離線安裝程序設置!

Ashampoo Snap 功能:

沒有比使用 Ashampoo Snap 更容易創建屏幕截圖和視頻的方法 10. 捕獲和編輯您在屏幕上看到的任何內容.

使用捕捉功能精確捕捉像素。整個屏幕,單個網站或個別部分 - 使用 Snap 將其轉換為圖像或視頻。與定時器一起工作,通過網站自動滾動或使用智能文本識別,可能性是無止境的。只需一次點擊或擊鍵即可完成 Snap 10 的功能!

Snap 10 輕鬆地與其他人共享相關信息。使用箭頭,圖形,自動編號和更多選項將您的圖像變成不言自明的傑作。省時省力,省去繁瑣的描述!顯示,不要告訴 - 快速,簡單,重點.

實時編輯您的視頻,並添加文字,圖紙或語音解說。後處理現在是可選的!在您的視頻中直觀地顯示鼠標點擊和按鍵 - 完美的教程。 N 不要忘記使用新的視頻水印來保護您的 IP6

Works 使用任何顯示器
當在多顯示器環境中工作時,您可能會面臨十幾種不同的屏幕分辨率和 DPI 設置。捕捉自動適應您的顯示設置,在任何顯示屏上都能獲得完美結果!

Snap 10 不僅可以捕捉互聯網圖像,還可以在源頁面上以圖形方式將信息包含在圖像中或通過元數據。捕捉保持組織。如果需要共享圖像,Snap 可以根據需要自動添加相應的鏈接。你想要捕捉整個網站,只有文本元素或捕獲多個窗口? Ashampoo Snap 10 使它成為可能!

即使已經很好的視頻可以做一點點拋光:剪出不必要的場景,刪除廣告或將您的視頻分成單獨的情節。隨著 Ashampoo Snap 10,你不需要任何額外的軟件!巧妙的編輯器可以幫助您只保留視頻中最重要的部分和亮點。然後,簡單地附加另一個視頻或導出您最寶貴的時刻作為 GIF 動畫!

Safely 發送或上傳到雲
您是否想從任何地方訪問您的圖像? Ashampoo Snap 10 已經涵蓋了:通過電子郵件發送圖像,保存到 Ashampoo Webspace 或上傳到所有常見的雲服務(DropBox 的,微軟的 OneDrive,谷歌驅動器)。如果需要,可以在發送電子郵件或上傳圖片之前對圖片進行優化.

注意:如果您請求免費試用密鑰,可以延長 10 天,並可額外延長 30 天.


檔案版本 GameMaker Studio 2023.1.1.62

檔案名稱 GameMaker-Installer-2023.1.1.62.exe
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Ashampoo
更新日期 2023-02-18

What's new in this version:

- January’s 2023.1 release sees a number of tool changes designed to speed up project-loading and importing assets, to stop a number of long-term source control quality-of-life issues, and to reduce download/install sizes for the runtimes. There are also a number of important fixes for the Debugger crashing and using up too much memory (or mis-reporting in-game RAM usage on some platforms), plus important stability fixes for the MQTT server if you have GameMaker behind a firewall.
- As you can see, there are a number of very important changes and additions in this release, so it’s very important that you do read these release notes very carefully before you update
- Within the 2023.1 IDE we have made a large number of fixes or improvements to Feather; the Image Editor has a new shortcut for converting clipboard content to being a brush you can reuse; there is now the ability to add all sprite types to your Texture Groups lists and then load/unload these extra texture pages at the same time in-game; and so you can debug issues more easily there are now HTML5 preferences for pretty-printing your code and the ability for extensions to create custom ADB logging tags when running Android games.
- On the runtimes side, 2023.1 brings the introduction of several powerful yet easy-to-understand new features, all aimed at making it easier to create a good-looking and quality-feeling game: the new ”Move And Collide” collisions function can greatly reduce the amount of code required to create player character collisions really quickly; Signed Distance Field ("SDF") font support allows you to scale fonts up/down and maintain excellent quality levels, so no need to ship multiple copies of the same font at different point sizes; and the new "Tremolo" audio effect allows you to more easily achieve this type of advanced audio functionality. There are also several major changes or improvements to existing functionality - like the behaviours of statics, which now know their inheritance chain and allow you to check whether a certain function is declared.

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