Appium 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Appium 1.22.3-4

Appium 歷史版本列表

Appium 是一個開源的測試自動化框架,使用本機,混合和移動 web 應用程序。原生應用程序是使用 iOS,Android 或 Windows SDK 編寫的應用程序。移動網絡應用程序是使用移動瀏覽器訪問的網絡應用程序(Appium 支持 iOS 和 Chrome 上的 Safari 或 Android 上內置的“瀏覽器”應用程序)。混合應用程序有一個“網絡視圖”的包裝, &ndash 的; 一... Appium 軟體介紹

Appium 1.22.3-4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Appium 1.22.3-4
- Fixed signature issue in v1.22.3

Appium 1.22.3
- bump the embedded appium version to 1.22.3

Appium 1.22.2
- bump the embedded appium version to 1.22.2

Appium 1.22.0
- Bump embedded Appium version to 1.22.0
- The version still expects to have /wd/hub prefix as Remote Path

Appium 1.21.0
- Bump Appium version to 1.21.0

Appium 1.20.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.19.1
- Bump Appium version to 1.19.1
- Update translations

Appium 1.18.3
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.18.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.18.1
- Fix to attaching to an existing session

Appium 1.18.0
Inspector for Web(view) improvements:
- Add Web(View) notification in Selected Element
- Add Web(View) inspector to inspect the HTML-tree
- Add new locators for iOS

- Get Timings button in element section to confirm their performance
- Automatically download the correct version of ChromeDriver when using a Web or Hybrid app for Android
- The Relaxed Security checkbox in the Advanced-tab can disable this
- Windows 32 bit installer

- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.17.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.15.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.15.0
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.14.0
- feat: Update bundled version of Appium to 1.14.0
- feat: Intelligently resize screenshot and source tree widths
- feat: Make sure formatted caps stays visible in saved caps area
- feat: Make sure to save server type change even without setting change
- feat: Make configurable "Get Running Sessions"
- fix: apply session.server.${providername}.host/port/path/ssl

Appium 1.13.0
- Update Appium to version 1.13.0
- Add 'copy attributes to clipboard" feature
- Russian, Korean and Chinese translations
- Add SauceLabs data centers option

Appium 1.12.1

- Chinese localization

- Fix bug causing search results to not be highlighted
- Bump up no new command limit to 24 hours
- updateSettings action call was not being properly parsed
- Improve performance in cloud by concurrently retrieving source, screenshot and window size

Appium 1.12.0

Bug Fixes:
- Revert Sentry changes that were causing desired capabilities to not be saved
- Fix defect that made "object" args not work for capabilities
- Provide more helpful error and success messages

- Add actions that can be executed from Appium Desktop
- Translations: Japanese translations, Russian translations
- New cloud providers: TestingBot, Pcloudy
- Can copy located element to clipboard
- Stop showing all cloud providers on tab. Make cloud providers individually selectable from a modal

Appium 1.11.0
- Feat: Localize Appium Desktop with some German translation
- Feat: Add optional (opt-in) Sentry logging for crash reports
- Feat: Add Perfecto as cloud provider
- Fix: Fixed regression that was causing file selector in capabilities to not work

Appium 1.10.0
- Feature: Upgrade React to v16.x and ANTD to v3.x to get benefits of performance improvements and reduced dependency size

Appium 1.9.1
- Fix: Use forked version of WD to resolve W3C attach problem

Appium 1.9.0

- Upgrade Appium to 1.10
- Add Kobiton into Appium Desktop as a cloud provider

Appium 1.8.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.8.1
- Fix: Strip out Emoji characters and replace them with the unicode values to prevent XML parsing error

Appium 1.8.0
- Update Electron to version 3.0.3
- Fix: Default custom server port to 4723 which is the value in placeholder

Appium 1.7.1
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.9.1

Appium 1.6.3
- Feature: Make ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME settable from the UI
- Feature: Add icon that copies source XML to clipboard
- Fix: Close session window when main window is closed

Appium 1.6.2
- Fix: Use relative coordinates for interactive swiping feature
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.8.1

Appium 1.6.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.6.0
- Update Appium to 1.8.0
- Update Electron to 2.0.0
- Update electron-builder to 20 and get rid of outdated version hack
- Use NPM 5 on appveyor so we get a flat hierarchy

Appium 1.5.0
- Feature: Allow unauthorized SSL and set custom proxy

Appium 1.4.1
- Fix: Replace electron-builder autoupdater with Zeit Hazel server plus native updater

Appium 1.4.0
- Feature: Add Headspin cloud to list of remote server types
- Feature: Add keyboard shortcut to clear terminal logs
- Fix: Python recording error

Appium 1.3.1
- Fix: Build problem from v1.3.0 broke Apple XCUI tests

Appium 1.3.0
- Feature: Update Appium to 1.7.2
- Fix: Add linux category
- Fix: 'wd' recording code errors

Appium 1.2.7
- Feature: Highlight elements that user searched for
- Fix: Remove element not found notification

Appium 1.2.6
- Fix: Use multiple selector strategies if first one doesn't work
- Fix: Don't refresh page when element not found, send notification instead

Appium 1.2.5
- Fix: Resolve python recorder errors
- Fix: Reload source when selected element is stale
- Fix: Debounce calls to selectElement

Appium 1.2.4
Fix: Upgraded to Appium 1.7.1 (previously was 1.7.0)

Appium 1.2.3
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium version 1.7.1

Appium 1.2.2
- Fix: Swipe SVG was obscured due to CSS

Appium 1.2.1
- Fix: In Java boilerplate, show unknown platform if no platform found

Appium 1.2.0
- Feature: Can run SauceConnect from user interface
- Feature: Can edit raw desired capabilities JSON string
- Feature: Add locator modal to search for elements and perform basic interactions on them
- Feature: Add interactive swipe and tap
- Feature: Add HTTPS option, and TO data center options
- Feature: Write raw logs to file that can be opened by user
- Fix: Added padding to bottom of source tree
- Fix: Make selected element card scrollable
- Fix: Limit number of rendered logs to 1000

Appium 1.1.1
- Fix: Scrolling in selected element card
- Fix: Recorder css and add docs for recorder

Appium 1.1.0
- Feature: Can record actions in Java, JS, Python, and Ruby
- Feature: Updated to Appium 1.6.5
- Feature: Show a list of currently running sessions when attaching sessions
- Fix: Draggable app area and window controls issues in Windows and Linux
- Fix: Resize inspector if it was previously too small
- Fix: Pegged ANTD version to prevent errors

DbSchema 9.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Logical Design:
DbSchema supports logical design. The logical design is database-independent, with entities and sub-entities:
Logical Design Sub-Entities:
- Sub-entities can be created by adding a field of type sub-entity to a table

There are also supported different relation types:
Logical Design Relations:
- The logical model can be converted to a physical model and synchronized with the database
- We continue to improve the logical design also in the upcoming releases

Reverse engineer using DDL:
- In the previous versions, we reverse-engineer the schema by reading the metadata from system tables
- For most of the databases, we call methods from the JDBC driver, and only for a few of them did we execute direct queries on the system tables
- Now, we are using a DDL parser that can reverse engineer the schema from the CREATE TABLE DDL statement
- The DDL is generated using commands like ‘Show create table’, or using a dedicated procedure (SqlServer)

Comment Tags:
- Besides text, the table, column, and foreign keys can use key/value comment tags
- The tags can be used in the automation scripts, and in the logical design for the entity or field’s physical name

Reverse Engineer Using DDL:
- This allows us to reverse engineer all parameters, like collation, partition keys, etc., and more table-specific parameters - like temporal tables, etc
- This feature is available for all databases where we found a way to generate the table DDL

Here are the current databases where this feature is implemented:
- MySql, MariaDb, Oracle, SqlServer, AzureSQL, Snowflake, Redshift, Vertica, Sqlite, Exasol, SAPHana, GoogleBigQuery, Databricks, Cassandra
- Improvements for MongoDB
- We do diagrams and schema validation rules for MongoDB. Whenever a validation rule is defined, we reverse engineer the collection structure using it
- If not, we deduce the collection structure by introspecting a few documents
- Whenever you design a collection, the collection validation rule gets updated

Automation Scripts for generating HTML or PDF Documentation:
- We added more parameters for generating the HTML or PDF documentation
- Therefore we created a more flexible method in Java. Please have a look on the DbSchema API for details

Further improvements:
- Feature: Result Pane error message as dialog
- Feature: InfluxDB integrations
- Feature: PDF documentation, add parameter for skipping tooltip comments. Improve look.
- Feature: Add more options to the documentation dialog
- Feature: Exasol support hashtype data type
- Feature: Color picker editable hex value
- Bug: Fixes and improvements in the DDL Parser
- Bug: MongoDB load statement using the driver class loader. This solves issues with ObjectId.

GeForce NOW 2.0.39 查看版本資訊


Appium 1.22.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Appium 1.22.3
- bump the embedded appium version to 1.22.3

Appium 1.22.2
- bump the embedded appium version to 1.22.2

Appium 1.22.0
- Bump embedded Appium version to 1.22.0
- The version still expects to have /wd/hub prefix as Remote Path

Appium 1.21.0
- Bump Appium version to 1.21.0

Appium 1.20.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.19.1
- Bump Appium version to 1.19.1
- Update translations

Appium 1.18.3
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.18.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.18.1
- Fix to attaching to an existing session

Appium 1.18.0
Inspector for Web(view) improvements:
- Add Web(View) notification in Selected Element
- Add Web(View) inspector to inspect the HTML-tree
- Add new locators for iOS

- Get Timings button in element section to confirm their performance
- Automatically download the correct version of ChromeDriver when using a Web or Hybrid app for Android
- The Relaxed Security checkbox in the Advanced-tab can disable this
- Windows 32 bit installer

- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.17.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.15.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.15.0
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.14.0
- feat: Update bundled version of Appium to 1.14.0
- feat: Intelligently resize screenshot and source tree widths
- feat: Make sure formatted caps stays visible in saved caps area
- feat: Make sure to save server type change even without setting change
- feat: Make configurable "Get Running Sessions"
- fix: apply session.server.${providername}.host/port/path/ssl

Appium 1.13.0
- Update Appium to version 1.13.0
- Add 'copy attributes to clipboard" feature
- Russian, Korean and Chinese translations
- Add SauceLabs data centers option

Appium 1.12.1

- Chinese localization

- Fix bug causing search results to not be highlighted
- Bump up no new command limit to 24 hours
- updateSettings action call was not being properly parsed
- Improve performance in cloud by concurrently retrieving source, screenshot and window size

Appium 1.12.0

Bug Fixes:
- Revert Sentry changes that were causing desired capabilities to not be saved
- Fix defect that made "object" args not work for capabilities
- Provide more helpful error and success messages

- Add actions that can be executed from Appium Desktop
- Translations: Japanese translations, Russian translations
- New cloud providers: TestingBot, Pcloudy
- Can copy located element to clipboard
- Stop showing all cloud providers on tab. Make cloud providers individually selectable from a modal

Appium 1.11.0
- Feat: Localize Appium Desktop with some German translation
- Feat: Add optional (opt-in) Sentry logging for crash reports
- Feat: Add Perfecto as cloud provider
- Fix: Fixed regression that was causing file selector in capabilities to not work

Appium 1.10.0
- Feature: Upgrade React to v16.x and ANTD to v3.x to get benefits of performance improvements and reduced dependency size

Appium 1.9.1
- Fix: Use forked version of WD to resolve W3C attach problem

Appium 1.9.0

- Upgrade Appium to 1.10
- Add Kobiton into Appium Desktop as a cloud provider

Appium 1.8.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.8.1
- Fix: Strip out Emoji characters and replace them with the unicode values to prevent XML parsing error

Appium 1.8.0
- Update Electron to version 3.0.3
- Fix: Default custom server port to 4723 which is the value in placeholder

Appium 1.7.1
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.9.1

Appium 1.6.3
- Feature: Make ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME settable from the UI
- Feature: Add icon that copies source XML to clipboard
- Fix: Close session window when main window is closed

Appium 1.6.2
- Fix: Use relative coordinates for interactive swiping feature
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.8.1

Appium 1.6.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.6.0
- Update Appium to 1.8.0
- Update Electron to 2.0.0
- Update electron-builder to 20 and get rid of outdated version hack
- Use NPM 5 on appveyor so we get a flat hierarchy

Appium 1.5.0
- Feature: Allow unauthorized SSL and set custom proxy

Appium 1.4.1
- Fix: Replace electron-builder autoupdater with Zeit Hazel server plus native updater

Appium 1.4.0
- Feature: Add Headspin cloud to list of remote server types
- Feature: Add keyboard shortcut to clear terminal logs
- Fix: Python recording error

Appium 1.3.1
- Fix: Build problem from v1.3.0 broke Apple XCUI tests

Appium 1.3.0
- Feature: Update Appium to 1.7.2
- Fix: Add linux category
- Fix: 'wd' recording code errors

Appium 1.2.7
- Feature: Highlight elements that user searched for
- Fix: Remove element not found notification

Appium 1.2.6
- Fix: Use multiple selector strategies if first one doesn't work
- Fix: Don't refresh page when element not found, send notification instead

Appium 1.2.5
- Fix: Resolve python recorder errors
- Fix: Reload source when selected element is stale
- Fix: Debounce calls to selectElement

Appium 1.2.4
Fix: Upgraded to Appium 1.7.1 (previously was 1.7.0)

Appium 1.2.3
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium version 1.7.1

Appium 1.2.2
- Fix: Swipe SVG was obscured due to CSS

Appium 1.2.1
- Fix: In Java boilerplate, show unknown platform if no platform found

Appium 1.2.0
- Feature: Can run SauceConnect from user interface
- Feature: Can edit raw desired capabilities JSON string
- Feature: Add locator modal to search for elements and perform basic interactions on them
- Feature: Add interactive swipe and tap
- Feature: Add HTTPS option, and TO data center options
- Feature: Write raw logs to file that can be opened by user
- Fix: Added padding to bottom of source tree
- Fix: Make selected element card scrollable
- Fix: Limit number of rendered logs to 1000

Appium 1.1.1
- Fix: Scrolling in selected element card
- Fix: Recorder css and add docs for recorder

Appium 1.1.0
- Feature: Can record actions in Java, JS, Python, and Ruby
- Feature: Updated to Appium 1.6.5
- Feature: Show a list of currently running sessions when attaching sessions
- Fix: Draggable app area and window controls issues in Windows and Linux
- Fix: Resize inspector if it was previously too small
- Fix: Pegged ANTD version to prevent errors

DbSchema 8.5.2 查看版本資訊


StockMarketEye 5.5.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue that prevented selecting multiple items in the Transactions report
- Fix for number of shares calculation (Shares column in Portfolios) when there are short and long lots of the same holding

Logitech G HUB 2022.2.1154 查看版本資訊


Appium 1.22.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Appium 1.22.2
- bump the embedded appium version to 1.22.2

Appium 1.22.0
- Bump embedded Appium version to 1.22.0
- The version still expects to have /wd/hub prefix as Remote Path

Appium 1.21.0
- Bump Appium version to 1.21.0

Appium 1.20.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.19.1
- Bump Appium version to 1.19.1
- Update translations

Appium 1.18.3
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.18.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.18.1
- Fix to attaching to an existing session

Appium 1.18.0
Inspector for Web(view) improvements:
- Add Web(View) notification in Selected Element
- Add Web(View) inspector to inspect the HTML-tree
- Add new locators for iOS

- Get Timings button in element section to confirm their performance
- Automatically download the correct version of ChromeDriver when using a Web or Hybrid app for Android
- The Relaxed Security checkbox in the Advanced-tab can disable this
- Windows 32 bit installer

- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.17.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.15.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.15.0
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.14.0
- feat: Update bundled version of Appium to 1.14.0
- feat: Intelligently resize screenshot and source tree widths
- feat: Make sure formatted caps stays visible in saved caps area
- feat: Make sure to save server type change even without setting change
- feat: Make configurable "Get Running Sessions"
- fix: apply session.server.${providername}.host/port/path/ssl

Appium 1.13.0
- Update Appium to version 1.13.0
- Add 'copy attributes to clipboard" feature
- Russian, Korean and Chinese translations
- Add SauceLabs data centers option

Appium 1.12.1

- Chinese localization

- Fix bug causing search results to not be highlighted
- Bump up no new command limit to 24 hours
- updateSettings action call was not being properly parsed
- Improve performance in cloud by concurrently retrieving source, screenshot and window size

Appium 1.12.0

Bug Fixes:
- Revert Sentry changes that were causing desired capabilities to not be saved
- Fix defect that made "object" args not work for capabilities
- Provide more helpful error and success messages

- Add actions that can be executed from Appium Desktop
- Translations: Japanese translations, Russian translations
- New cloud providers: TestingBot, Pcloudy
- Can copy located element to clipboard
- Stop showing all cloud providers on tab. Make cloud providers individually selectable from a modal

Appium 1.11.0
- Feat: Localize Appium Desktop with some German translation
- Feat: Add optional (opt-in) Sentry logging for crash reports
- Feat: Add Perfecto as cloud provider
- Fix: Fixed regression that was causing file selector in capabilities to not work

Appium 1.10.0
- Feature: Upgrade React to v16.x and ANTD to v3.x to get benefits of performance improvements and reduced dependency size

Appium 1.9.1
- Fix: Use forked version of WD to resolve W3C attach problem

Appium 1.9.0

- Upgrade Appium to 1.10
- Add Kobiton into Appium Desktop as a cloud provider

Appium 1.8.2
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.8.1
- Fix: Strip out Emoji characters and replace them with the unicode values to prevent XML parsing error

Appium 1.8.0
- Update Electron to version 3.0.3
- Fix: Default custom server port to 4723 which is the value in placeholder

Appium 1.7.1
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.9.1

Appium 1.6.3
- Feature: Make ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME settable from the UI
- Feature: Add icon that copies source XML to clipboard
- Fix: Close session window when main window is closed

Appium 1.6.2
- Fix: Use relative coordinates for interactive swiping feature
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium 1.8.1

Appium 1.6.1
- Change log not available for this version

Appium 1.6.0
- Update Appium to 1.8.0
- Update Electron to 2.0.0
- Update electron-builder to 20 and get rid of outdated version hack
- Use NPM 5 on appveyor so we get a flat hierarchy

Appium 1.5.0
- Feature: Allow unauthorized SSL and set custom proxy

Appium 1.4.1
- Fix: Replace electron-builder autoupdater with Zeit Hazel server plus native updater

Appium 1.4.0
- Feature: Add Headspin cloud to list of remote server types
- Feature: Add keyboard shortcut to clear terminal logs
- Fix: Python recording error

Appium 1.3.1
- Fix: Build problem from v1.3.0 broke Apple XCUI tests

Appium 1.3.0
- Feature: Update Appium to 1.7.2
- Fix: Add linux category
- Fix: 'wd' recording code errors

Appium 1.2.7
- Feature: Highlight elements that user searched for
- Fix: Remove element not found notification

Appium 1.2.6
- Fix: Use multiple selector strategies if first one doesn't work
- Fix: Don't refresh page when element not found, send notification instead

Appium 1.2.5
- Fix: Resolve python recorder errors
- Fix: Reload source when selected element is stale
- Fix: Debounce calls to selectElement

Appium 1.2.4
Fix: Upgraded to Appium 1.7.1 (previously was 1.7.0)

Appium 1.2.3
- Feature: Upgrade to Appium version 1.7.1

Appium 1.2.2
- Fix: Swipe SVG was obscured due to CSS

Appium 1.2.1
- Fix: In Java boilerplate, show unknown platform if no platform found

Appium 1.2.0
- Feature: Can run SauceConnect from user interface
- Feature: Can edit raw desired capabilities JSON string
- Feature: Add locator modal to search for elements and perform basic interactions on them
- Feature: Add interactive swipe and tap
- Feature: Add HTTPS option, and TO data center options
- Feature: Write raw logs to file that can be opened by user
- Fix: Added padding to bottom of source tree
- Fix: Make selected element card scrollable
- Fix: Limit number of rendered logs to 1000

Appium 1.1.1
- Fix: Scrolling in selected element card
- Fix: Recorder css and add docs for recorder

Appium 1.1.0
- Feature: Can record actions in Java, JS, Python, and Ruby
- Feature: Updated to Appium 1.6.5
- Feature: Show a list of currently running sessions when attaching sessions
- Fix: Draggable app area and window controls issues in Windows and Linux
- Fix: Resize inspector if it was previously too small
- Fix: Pegged ANTD version to prevent errors

Karaoke 5 46.15 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Karaoke 5 46.15
- Added drag and drop from the Search window as well
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.14
- Optimize functions with more speed and performance
- Play a song by dragging it to the Karaoke window
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.13
- Optimize functions with more speed and performance
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.12
- Optimize functions with more speed and performance
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.11
- Optimize functions with more speed and performance
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.10
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.09
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.08
- Fixed an error on creating Video files
- Correction of an error on save the explorer window position.
- Correction of an error on the Artist Schedule table
- Fixed some other small bugs

Karaoke 5 46.07
- Ottimizzazione sulla creazione dei file Video
- Correzione sulla sincronizzazione e creazione dei file Video

Karaoke 5 46.06
- Correction of an error on Video Files
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.05
- Correction of an error on Internet network search
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.04
- Enhanced the Internet network to search for Karaoke files

Karaoke 5 46.03
- Correction of the midi port on an external device

Karaoke 5 46.02
- Correction of an error on fast singing
- Search correction with the F9 key "GO" button
- Correction of readings for EMF files
- Fixed some bugs

Karaoke 5 46.01
- Correction of an error on Database files with no standard characters
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 46.00
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.47
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.46
- Window display improvements

Karaoke 5 45.45
- Fixed a bug on K5 Instrument

Karaoke 5 45.44
- Fixed a bug on K5 Instrument

Karaoke 5 45.43
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.42
- Added display of international characters
- Fixed a bug on some video files
- Fix a bug on the grids

Karaoke 5 45.41
- Fixed an error on the transfer in the synchronization
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.40
- Added Karaoke Text block
- Fixed a bug on jingles display
- Fixed an error on the mixing control
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.38
- Bug fix on video files

Karaoke 5 45.37
- Bug fix on jingles display
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.36
- Change log not available for this version

Karaoke 5 45.35
- Improvement of some procedures
- Fixed bugs

Karaoke 5 45.34
- Enable some Skin

Karaoke 5 45.33
- [Win/Osx] Fixed an error on a synchronous row MP3 file
- [Win/Osx] Fixed minor bugs
- [Win/Osx] Deleted the Skins, for performance problems on slow PCs

Karaoke 5 45.32
- [Osx] Karaoke windows improved and performing
- [Win/Osx] Added correction procedure for MP3 files with incorrect sync
- [Win/Osx] Fixed minor bugs

Karaoke 5 45.31
- Improved synchronization and creation of Karaoke files
- Fixed an error on the refresh of the karaoke windows
- Fixed an error on the transfer in the synchronization
- Fixed an error on the MIDI input
- Fixed minor bugs

Karaoke 5 45.30
- [Win/Osx] Improved synchronization and creation of Karaoke files
- [Win/Osx] Fixed an error on the transfer in the synchronization
- [Win/Osx] Fixed an error on the MIDI input
- [Win/Osx] Fixed minor bugs

Karaoke 5 45.29
- Fixed a bug on synchronization for MIDI files

Karaoke 5 45.28
- [Win/Osx] Fixed bugs on synchronization and creation of VIDEO files
- [Win/Osx] Fixed minor bugs

Karaoke 5 45.27
- Correction of a bug on the synchronization of MP3 files

Karaoke 5 45.25
- [Win/Osx] Improved synchronization procedure

Karaoke 5 45.23
- [Win/Osx] Improved search for songs on the Internet
- [Win/Osx] Added the possibility to exclude the search for their databases

Karaoke 5 45.22
- [Win/Osx] Fix bug on the Search Server on the Internet

Karaoke 5 45.21
- [Win/Osx] Message window independent of the main window
- [Win/Osx] Fix bug on the Search Server on the Internet

Karaoke 5 45.20
- [Win/Osx] Internet search of musical karaoke bases quickly and easily
- [Win/Osx] Fixed minor bugs

TeXstudio 4.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- bugfix release