軟體下載 Anvi Smart Defender 2.2

檔案名稱 asdsetup.exe

Anvi Smart Defender 2.2 軟體下載

檔案版本 Anvi Smart Defender 2.2

檔案名稱 asdsetup.exe
檔案大小 34.37 MB
更新日期 2014-05-29
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Anvi Smart Defender 2.2
惡意軟件是壞的,Anvi Smart Defender 很大,可以抵禦包括木馬,rootkit,間諜軟件,流氓軟件,勒索軟件在內的惡意威脅。 Anvi Smart Defender 使用雙掃描引擎(本地引擎和雲引擎)來有效檢測病毒,包括木馬,間諜軟件,流氓軟件,勒索軟件,rootkit 等等。特別是除了磁盤掃描之外,該版本的反惡意軟件掃描在系統服務,啟動項,內存鏡像,惡意擴展等方面得到了增強。 這... Anvi Smart Defender 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Changed the registry scanning function to fix the crash problem when scanning startup items.
- Changed registry removing function that make the program is able to delete suspicious locked registry.
- Changed the way to read and write files to avoid the system blue screen problem when deleting viruses.
- Changed the update checking function.

Anvi Smart Defender 2.2 相關參考資料
HostScan Version 4.10.08029 Antimalware and Firewall ...

2024年2月26日 — Anvisoft Inc. Anvi Smart Defender. yes. -. yes. -. Anvi Smart ... 2.2. yes. -. yes. -. Carbon Black Defense Sensor. yes. -.


Ivanti Endpoint Security Supported Platforms

... Anvi Smart Defender ( 2.4.X ) ... ( 2.2.X ) : ...............................................................................................


Anvi Smart Defender 2.2

Anvi Smart Defender je jedan od takvih programa. Postoji u dve verzije - besplatnoj (koju smo probali) i komercijalnoj, koja predstavlja nadogradnju besplatne.


Anvi Smart Defender Free 2.5 - 取代Ad-Aware的免費惡意 ...

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Anvisoft software

The Anvisoft Corporation-developed application Anvi Smart Defender aims to ... Anvi AD Blocker 2.2. Gives You Experience of No More Ads. License ...


How to completely uninstall Anvi Smart Defender

Anvi Smart Defender is a simple-to-use antivirus application that uses a regular engine and cloud support to remove malware files and ensure data protection ...


Anvi Smart Defender 2.2 Download (Free trial) - ASD.exe

2024年5月2日 — Anvi Smart Defender is a program that protects your computer against Trojans, rootkits, spyware, rogueware and ransomware.


軟體王2024 - 軟體資訊網站

Anvi AD Blocker 2.2. 可攔截惡意網站,包括釣魚網站 ... 一套具有雲端掃描功能的病毒防護軟體,快速且輕巧的箭魚引擎更可掃描以及偵測網路威脅。 Anvi Smart Defender ...
