軟體下載 Cmder 1.3.19

檔案名稱 cmder.zip

Cmder 1.3.19 軟體下載

檔案版本 Cmder 1.3.19

檔案名稱 cmder.zip
更新日期 2022-01-17
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Cmder 1.3.19
憤怒的 IP 掃描器是一個非常快速的 IP 地址和端口掃描器。它可以掃描任何範圍的 IP 地址以及任何端口。它是跨平台和輕量級的。不需要任何安裝,任何地方都可以自由複制和使用它.Angry IP 掃描器只需簡單地 ping 每個 IP 地址,以檢查它是否存在,然後可以選擇解析其主機名,確定 MAC 地址,掃描端口等。每個主機收集的數據可以通過插件進行擴展. 它還具有其他功能,如 NetBIOS 信... Angry IP Scanner 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Update Git for Windows to 2.34.0
- Update to Clink 1.2.46
- Update to stable Conemu 210912
- Do not rely on having a %cmder_root%configcmder_prompt_config.lua

- Powershell Git version Discovery - See #2373 for the full proposal
- Find user installed Git on Path
- Configurable prompt for cmd.exe sessions. See %cmder_root%configcmder_prompt_config.lua
- Configurable colors
- Option to change λ to another character
- Option to add [user]@[host] to the prompt
- Option to use of ~ to represent $HOME folder
- Option to use folder name vs. full working directory path in prompt
- Option to use single line prompt

If found:
- if newer than Cmder embedded Git
- Use it's existing Path config and completely ignore embedded Git
- Else if Cmder embedded Git exists and is newer
- Match User installed Git path config using Cmder embedded Git folders

Else if Cmder embedded Git exists:
- Add Cmder embedded Git folders to the path.
- $env:cmder_rootvendorgit-for-windowscmd;$env:path
- $env:path;$env:cmder_rootvendorgit-for-windowsusrin
- $env:path;$env:cmder_rootvendorgit-for-windowsmingw64in

- Git prompt opt-out works better with additional changes to clink-completions

Cmder 1.3.19 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Cmder 1.3.24

Cmder is a software package created out of pure frustration over absence of usable console emulator on Windows. It is based on ConEmu with major config ...


Cmder - Browse v1.3.19 at SourceForge.net

1.3.19 (2022-01-15). Changes. Update Git for Windows to 2.34.0; Update to Clink 1.2.46; Update to stable Conemu 210912; Do not rely on having a %cmder_root ...


Cmder 1.3.19

It is self-contained, requiring no external dependencies, making it perfect for USB Sticks as well as cloud storage. cmder allows you to take your console, ...


Cmder 1.3.19 | Terminal Emulator Software

Cmder 1.3.19 | A software package that provides great console experience even on Windows.


cmder解决命令输入残留字符、更改命令提示符、将路径信息 ...

2022年12月9日 — 旧版本cmder更改命令提示符都是修改vendor目录下的clink.lua,但新版本(1.3.19之后)将一些配置单独写入了config-cmder_prompt_config.lua,所以方法 ...


Downloading Cmder 1.3.19 from FileHorse.com

Software package that provides great console experience even on PC · Cmder 1.3.19 · Key details about this download.


Issue #2774 · cmderdevcmder - Cursor Bug

2022年10月26日 — If there is no problem with 1.3.17, please also download and test 1.3.18 and 1.3.19, so we can narrow down the issue to a specific version.


Releases · cmderdevcmder

2023年7月24日 — 1.3.19 (2022-01-15). Changes. Update Git for Windows to 2.34.0; Update to Clink 1.2.46; Update to stable Conemu 210912; Do not rely on having a ...


笨問題- Cmder 游標錯亂(適用1.3 版)

2022年2月10日 — Cmder 升級後出現困擾,按上下鍵後文字游標前方會殘留字元,向左移不到,按Backspace 也刪不掉,但該字元不算輸入的一部分,純屬惱人鬼影, ...
