Advanced Uninstaller PRO

最新版本 Playnite 10.13

Playnite 10.13

Playnite 10.13
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 是 Windows 的最終卸載程序,允許您快速卸載程序並完全使用其簡單直觀的界面。隨著 Advanced Uninstaller PRO,你有所有的工具,你需要卸載程序,加快和修復您的電腦,保護您的隱私,刪除大量的煩人的插件,工具欄和瀏覽器劫持其他清潔工具不檢測和刪除

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 功能和安裝監視器會跟踪軟件安裝過程中對計算機執行的所有更改。 Advanced Uninstaller PRO 通過照顧好 Windows 註冊表和服務,幫助您的電腦全速運行。它還可以幫助您通過檢測和刪除重複文件來釋放磁盤空間,並幫助您在需要時打開 Windows 文件壓縮。

該程序可以在許多應用程序中刪除網頁瀏覽和文檔打開歷史,因此您可以上網衝浪,打開圖像,視頻和其他任何文件,而不用擔心。它還可以通過粉碎您選擇的文件和文件夾來保護您的隱私權,使他們永遠不會被恢復。 Advanced Uninstaller PRO 完全兼容所有服務包和所有版本的操作系統。

注意:30 天試用版高級功能:每日健康檢查和病毒掃描程序.


檔案版本 Playnite 10.13

檔案名稱 Playnite1013.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Innovative Solutions
更新日期 2023-04-05

What's new in this version:

- Updated PCSX2 emulator profile
- Filter preset order doesn't properly update on explorer panel
- Better name handling of gzip ROM files
- Crash in Fullscreen mode with some custom themes
- Metadata download sometimes failing on game edit dialog
- Future release dates get day-of-week display values
- Install size on stats view is calculated incorrectly
- Theme previews not working in Blend

Playnite 10.13 相關參考資料
Can't find hide cursor in full screen option : rplaynite

2023年4月13日 — I'm on version 10.13, and certainly cannot find this anywhere? Was it removed? Am I looking in the wrong place? Any help appreciated.

Chocolatey Software | Playnite 10.32.0

Playnite is open source video game library manager with one simple goal: Provide unified interface for all your games.


Downloading Playnite 10.13 from

Playnite is an open-source video game library manager software with one simple goal: To provide a unified interface for all of your games.

Playnite 10.13 for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

Playnite 10.13 for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,ChanSort 是PC / Windows 軟件,可讓您重新排列電視的頻道列表。大多數現代電視都可以通過USB 記憶棒 ...

Playnite 10.13 | Zophar's Domain Forums

2023年4月8日 — Playnite 10.13 has been released. ... Playnite is an open source video game library manager and launcher with support for 3rd party libraries like ...

Playnite 10.13 軟體檔案下載 - winXmac軟體社群

Playnite 10.13 軟體檔案 Playnite1013.exe 下載,ChanSort 是PC / Windows 軟件,可讓您重新排列電視的頻道列表。大多數現代電視都可以通過USB 記憶棒傳輸頻道列表, ...

Playnite 10.13 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

Playnite 10.13 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 and 7. Playnite is an intuitive platform that will hold all your favorite games, including games from Steam ...

Playnite 10.32 Download for Windows Old Versions ...

Playnite. December, 20th 2023 - 111 MB - Open Source. Free Download ... Playnite 10.13. Date released: 05 Apr 2023 (11 months ago). Download.

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playnite v10.13 - Passed - Package Tests Results

Tested with the latest version of choco, possibly a beta version. Tested with chocolatey-package-verifier service v1.0.1; Install was successful. Uninstall was ...