ACDSee Photo Studio Professional (64-bit)

最新版本 GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343
作為一個成熟的 RAW 編輯器和數字資產管理解決方案,ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 64bit 充滿了你所需要的一切,以便掌握你的攝影工作流程。隨著性能的提高,這款富含 GPU 的軟件繼續呈現出不斷擴展的改進列表,旨在簡化您的流程,並為您的映像開發提供具有競爭力的專業優勢。下載適用於 Windows PC 的 ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 64bit!

ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 功能:

綜合性 RAW Editor
利用 Photo Studio Ultimate 內置的超過 500 種相機型號支持您的 RAW 圖像。為了獲得最佳的自由度,請從相機捕獲的粗略數據開始,使用曝光,對比度,顏色,修復,銳化和其他基於細節的工具對其進行轉換.



創造性的圖像處理從未如此流暢。液化工具可以讓您扭曲圖像中的物體而不影響質量。移位,捏,凸起或恢復。開發自由流動的設計,或通過移動像素而不改變它們來潤飾肖像。 * 僅適用於 64 位.

使用 ACDSee Mobile Sync,您可以通過移動設備無線和即時地將照片和視頻直接發送到 ACDSee Photo Studio Professional (64-bit)!只需選擇並發送。在 iPhone 和 Android 上可用,ACDSee Mobile Sync 應用程序會跟踪哪些照片已發送,因此您不必這樣做。通過靈活的選擇選項和可配置的文件名和子文件夾縮放流程。編輯和傳輸元數據,同時利用 iPhone 上的 RAW 支持.

Intelligent& 高級調整
成為圖像中光線和色彩的主人。用數學精確度控制亮度,飽和度,色調和振動。直觀的照明調節工具使您可以輕鬆地使用我們的專利 Light EQTM 調節曝光。技術。劇烈轉換特定區域的燈光,不影響整體圖像,或微妙地調整個別的音色帶.

注意:32 天試用版.


檔案版本 GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343

檔案名稱 GameMakerStudio-Installer-
檔案大小 179 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 ACD Systems Inc
更新日期 2018-10-03

What's new in this version:

Switch Changes:
- See this FAQ for a summary of the changes from 2.1.5 to 2.2.0
- Note: This link will only work if you have the Switch license

Logout-on-Shutdown System:
- Added a new Preference to automatically log users out when closing GMS2
- Note that this is off by default, as it's really only intended for educational users who want extra clean-up to happen between sessions - for most people, unticking "Remember Me" on the login dialog will do the trick
- See this FAQ for more information

Android Build System Changes:
- We've changed the Android NDK build process to fix issues building YYC on API 23 devices when using a newer version of the NDK, such as 17c or higher
- This change also fixes the issue users were seeing with the error "Unable to find library for armv7l"
- NOTE: This change also raises the minimum API level you must set in game options to 16 (up from 9)

Misc IDE Fixes:
- Fixed the runtime installation process so it uses fewer temporary drive mappings, which should stop "Z:manifest" errors
- Note: If your Windows user is not allowed to use subst due to permission/policy restrictions you will always need to resolve this yourself before attempting to install/update
- Fixed issues where projects got an asset compiler error and couldn't build because a resource had no audiogroup or texturegroup set
- Fixed the macOS Finder dialog so it now adds the correct file extension onto the filename chosen when exporting files from the Mac IDE
- Fixed an IDE crash in the DnD Editor if you tried to drag a Else node onto a If node inside that Else block
- Fixed an issue where for some users with corrupt installations the sound editor would not open when opening or creating sound resources
- Note: The change here is to simply allow the sound editor to open - you still won't be able to play the sound, and instead you will get a dialog informing of the corrupt install

- See the bug database's Change Log for the list of public issues fixed in this version
- Known Issues can be found on the bug database also - for the current IDE headline list see this page

GameMaker Studio 2.2.0 Build 343 相關參考資料