4K Video Downloader

最新版本 Serato DJ 1.9.2

Serato DJ 1.9.2

Serato DJ 1.9.2
4K Video Downloader 允許從互聯網上下載並保存高質量的視頻,音頻和字幕。一鍵下載從互聯網上的所有視頻。以 MP4,MKV,3GP 格式保存視頻或以 MP3,M4A 或 OGG 格式提取音頻視頻。即使在離線狀態下,也可下載 3D 視頻內容。下載 4K Video Downloader Windows 的離線安裝程序安裝程序.


4K Video Downloader 功能介紹:
從互聯網上下載整個播放列表和頻道,並保存為 MP4,MKV,M4A,MP3,FLV,3G,生成.m3u 文件播放列表。以高清 1080p,高清 720p 或 4K 質量下載視頻,並在高清電視,iPad 或其他設備上欣賞高清視頻。高級字幕下載,選擇是否要在視頻文件中包含.srt 文件或嵌入字幕,以便在 Mac 上觀看。激活“智能模式”為了將所選的設置應用到所有的下載,方便,快捷。以 3D 格式下載視頻,在視頻解析之後,您會在可用的格式中找到一個小的特殊圖標。在 3D 中觀看現場表演和漫畫真是令人印象深刻。從任何網頁下載嵌入的視頻,只需複制 / 粘貼鏈接,程序會找到下載的來源。從 Vimeo,SoundCloud,Flickr,Facebook 和 DailyMotion 下載視頻和音頻。在您的 PC,Mac 或 Linux 上使用 4K Video Downloader,不管您喜歡什麼操作系統。注意:您不能下載包含字幕和超過 25 個剪輯的 YouTube 頻道和播放列表.

也可用:下載 4K Video Downloader 為 Mac


檔案版本 Serato DJ 1.9.2

檔案名稱 Serato_DJ_1.9.2.zip
檔案大小 248.89 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 OpenMedia LLC.
官網 https://www.4kdownload.com/products/product-videodownloader
更新日期 2016-08-02

What's new in this version:

- Secondary library sort. Ctrl/cmd+click a column title to set custom secondary sort order
- Smart Crates are now able to be Subcrates
- Saved loops are able to be named
- Subscription plans to Serato DJ and more now available

- Support translated Key in Smart Crates
- Added 'Reset played tracks on exit' option in the Setup screen (Library+Display)
- Added 'Reset played tracks' button in Setup screen (Library+Display)
- Change 'Clear' History Button to 'Reset'
- Increased contrast and changed the color of scroll bars
- Serato Video performance optimizations and licence management improvements
- Miscellaneous GUI performance optimizations
- Mixars Duo Windows drivers version 3.34 bundled
- Updates to international translations and tooltips

- Motorized platters don't stop when application is shutdown
- 'Tooltips' tooltip size not displaying correctly
- Unable to select “Remember Me” checkbox in the My Serato Panel on Mac
- Logged in state not saving when “Remember Me” is used or after logging out of the My Serato Panel
- Driver install side panel not closing after driver successfully installed
- Potential crash when loading or saving MIDI preset XML
- Red LED not illuminating when audio is clipping with Denon MC4000
- Unable to adjust relative pitch while in Sync and holding Shift with Denon MCX8000
- Unable to adjust relative pitch while in Sync and holding Shift with Pioneer DDJ­SB2
- Switching SP6 play modes can cause sample to stop playing on Numark Mixtrack Pro 3
- Pioneer DJM­850 causing loaded tracks to be marked as played while faders are down
- Pioneer DJM­900NXS causing loaded tracks to be marked as played while faders are down
- Instant Start causing tracks to start from beginning with Pioneer Mixers
- Improved waveform refresh rate on Mac
- Screen flickering or lagging while drag and dropping files between Finder and Serato DJ
- Fixes for Ctrl­click on Windows behaving as right­click
- Status bar messages not displaying correctly
- Pulselocker and Analyze files panel buttons incorrectly sized for some translated languages
- Searching by Key displays key notations that are not currently selected in the Setup screen
- Deleted crates added from external drive can reappear after reconnecting
- Random colors being assigned in Smart Crate rule fields
- Smart Crate not remembering numbers in remixer column
- Smart Crate key not able to be searched using displayed key notation
- Potential crash while dragging crates during analysis
- Can't move a Subcrate if a top level crate has the same name
- Deleting tracks in a Subcrate not removing tracks from parent Crate
- Potential crash after logging into Pulselocker and immediately clicking Setup button
- Changing crate sort order can cause hardware controls to load wrong track to deck
- Potential crash when connecting CDJ if History panel is open
- History 'Mark as played' function not working as expected
- ‘Song time’ text position is incorrect in virtual deck area
- Instant Doubles not working when 'Lock Playing Deck' is ON
- cmd+Z not working rapidly in succession
- cmd+Z does not always restore previous playhead position
- Potential audio glitch when cueing or scratching a cue point or sample
- Screen may flash white when maximising application window
- Potential crash when hot­swapping controller with Aux input to controller without Aux input
- Potential crash while importing a video file
- Potential crash when toggling midi output lighting
- Short length/duration Pulselocker tracks may get identified as corrupt on Windows
- Serato Video not automatically enabled after being activated in My Serato panel
- Potential crash after dragging SP6 sample player BPM value
- Potential crash closing Serato Video preview window after disabling Serato Video in Setup screen
- Potential crash when removing a file from the library directly after ejecting it from a deck
- Fix the crash when processing uninitialized audio component
- Limiter activating on controllers at the incorrect level
- Potential crash when deleting a file from the library after it was loaded to a sample slot
- Sample repeat start point incorrect
- Playhead position in sample slot slightly incorrect after sample ends
- Pulselocker library may take a long time to load on startup
- Serato Video Contour Fader tooltips displaying when Contour Faders are disabled
- Potential crash hot­plugging device on Mac
- Rane SL3 unable to connect on Windows and 'Failed To Connect Audio' shown
- Inconsistent casing of some words in the Setup panel
- Status bar messages not appearing and fading correctly
- ‘Corrupt track’ messages not remembered between sessions
- Potential security warning appearing when starting application
- Serato Video effects drop down menu can be empty
- Numark NVII Panel button does not cycle through all panels
- FX panel not being displayed correctly for some hardware
- Using Saved Loop pad mode to save an active loop will exit the loop
- Unable to switch to Flip pad mode using performance pads
- Flip Expansion Pack not automatically enabled after activation
- Potential crash while displaying tooltips
- Potential crash while clicking and dragging samples from the SP­6
- Potential crash while MIDI mapping Reset Played Tracks
- Potential crash while pressing play with the Numark NS7III and Pitch ‘n Time DJ enabled
- Potential crash while tapping in BPM
- Potential crash on application startup
- Possible audio distortion, tracks slowing down and audio dropouts

Serato DJ 1.9.2 相關參考資料

Serato DJ Pro Download · Serato DJ Lite Download · Expansion Packs · DJ Hardware ... To download Scratch Live 1.9.2 for Mac OS X please sign in or create an ...


Download - Serato DJ - DJ Software

Download Serato DJ Pro software. Get the latest version of the world's leading DJ software.


Download Scratch Live

Serato DJ · Serato DJ Pro Download · Serato DJ Lite ... Scratch Live 1.9.2 (Legacy). What's new in Scratch ... Scratch Live 1.9.2. Size: 9.31 MB Platform: Win.


Serato 1.9.2測試版-貼心新功能介紹

2016年7月12日 — 另外也有不同功能封包的選擇,全項Serato DJ Suite :包含DVS、DVJ(mp4播放功能)、Pitch 'n Time DJ、Flip、iZotope Fx (效果器),一個月14.99美金。


Serato DJ

Looking to get more out of Serato DJ? These videos are packed with tips and tricks that even many veteran Serato DJ users might not be aware of.


Serato DJ 1.9.2 Tutorial


Serato DJ 1.9.2 公测版软件发布

Serato DJ 1.9.2 公测版软件发布 · 音色库改进,包含了更新的搜索和分类,视觉优化并改变了Smart Crates。 · Serato DJ 和Serato Video 重要的稳定性改进, ...


Software Download Archive

Serato DJ, World Leading DJ and Music software. Serato ... Scratch Live 1.9.2 · Release Notes · Download · Scratch ... Serato logo. © Serato 1999 - 2024. All rights ...



2016年8月1日 — Serato DJ 1.9.2 現已可用,加強了穩定性和重要的工作流程以及界面的改進。 以下是新增的內容: 曲庫改進,包括搜索和排序、視覺優化和Smart Crates的 ...
